The Unique items also follow the Normal/Exceptional/Elite version of the items, however not all item versions have a Unique version. Almost every normal item in the game has a Unique version giving unique properties.

In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. About the spirit keeper shadow plate, Halabred's Reign Armet and Frostwind Champion axe-they don't even exist in the mpq's. Page last updated: 29 October 2021 13:17 Diablo 2 Unique Items Head over to the Planner now - īased on feedback I am Reversing the order from Elite/Exceptional/Normal to Normal/Exceptional/Elite on the Items/Unique Items pages Huge congrats to Maxroll and Riv for making the first full-featured D2/D2R planner for our beloved game.